Friday, 9 November 2007

Some recent LOGIS books

The drag-and-drop, click-to-add features are an aspect of Blogspot I’m enjoying, because I like new techie toys as much as the next Kiwi, but I’m not into the nitty gritty of programming. So a nice feature that I’m going to use on a semi-regular basis, is the Link List option. If you look on the left, you’ll see that there's a new bit to the sidebar showing books on “Urban design”. It's rather taken over the top of the sidebar, since there've been a few bought on this subject in the last few months, and I’m using that term fairly widely to cover urban design, city planning and anything else that seems to fit into the category.
New subjects will appear as future Link Lists, replacing this one - sustainability books are an obvious choice for an upcoming one, but I’m happy to put one together if any of you want to know what LOGIS has in its book collection on a particular topic of your interest. I just can't guarantee how many recent ones there'll be on your topic!
Of course, your suggestion could result in me having to search out some more titles to order, but that’s all to the good – suggestions for new book titles that I may have missed are always welcome.
From the LOGIS Desk.

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